Debbie Does Improv!

How convenient that my name is Debbie and there was that little film that I can use as a reference.
Sometimes people will come up to me and other cast members and ask us how many times we've performed that particular show that they just saw. Our answer is always "Once". What YOU see on any particular night is what YOU saw and nobody other than the people in the theatre and you, saw it. Si?People also ask us how we write the musical so quickly backstage during the intermission or overture. Let me say this: we don't write the musical backstage. We don't plan it out or talk about the story or the songs or humorous things. It would actually make it harder and more confusing if we tried to plan it out. So we just put on our crazy costumes and review what the title of the musical and song were that were just picked and decide on where the musical should take place. And that's it! Shazzam! Instant Musical! Come see for yourself if you don't believe me. Friday at 10pm at the Triad. So, Sue, See you there!
Posted on October 24, 2009 .